Highway 26 Corridor Study - Milton

Highway 26 Corridor Study

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Milton alternatives - Segment 1, South Segment

Three alternatives in the Milton area are under consideration.  The South segment includes the four lane section completed between Janesville and Milton in 1999.

Alternative S1 is the alternative through the city of Milton on existing alignment. It provides for a four lane divided urban street through the city of Milton on existing alignment. This through-Milton alternative would provide a posted speed limit of 45 miles per hour. Access would be limited with several signalized intersections, meaning that the operating speed would be approximately 40 miles per hour. This alternative would probably require that buildings on one side of the street or the other be removed. The intent would be to preserve the Milton House building with widening and acquisition of right-of-way done to the west in that area.

Alternative S2 is the near east alternative and was modified to better serve Milton's industrial park and Highway 59, and to provide a better interchange location on the north side of the city. It provides for a four lane divided rural roadway just east of Milton, with an operating speed of at least 55 mph, with access at two locations. To accommodate traffic from the south and STH 59, this alternative has an interchange near the industrial park, which is in an area planned for future growth. To accommodate traffic on the north side, an interchange would be located on Bowers Lake Road extended to the west. Bndges would separate traffic at existing STH 59, the railroad, Storrs Lake Road and existing STH 26.

Alternative S3 is the alternative that was previously on the city's official map and was modified to provide a different interchange location on the south side of Milton.  It provides for a four lane divided rural roadway further east than Alternative S2, with an operating speed of at least 55 mph, with access at two locations. This alternative is similar to the route that was previously on the city of Milton's official map. Access at the south side would be similar to Alternative S2. Access north of the city of Milton would probably be an interchange near Klug Road. Bndges separating traffic would be provided at existing STH 59, the railroad, Storrs Lake Road, Bowers Lake Road and Klug Road.

North of Milton, two more lanes are proposed, primarily on the west side. An interchange is proposed at CTH N. At-grade intersections are proposed at John Paul Road, County Line Road and Vickerman Road, while bndges separating traffic are proposed at Pond Road and Old 26. Old 26 would be extended to Business 26.

Click the map for a larger, more detailed view.

Study Committee

Terry C. Maybee
Rock County Board of Supervisors Chairperson
Rock County Courthouse
51 South Main Street
Janesville, WI 53545

Thomas R. Boguszewski, P.E.
Rock County Director of Public Works
3715 Newville Road
Janesville, WI 53545

Phil Blazkowski
Rock County Planning, Economic & Community Development Director
51 South Main Street
Janesville, WI 53545

Bradley Cantrell
Janesville City Planner
18 North Jackson Street
Janesville, WI 53545

Lawrence Delo
Milton City Administrator
116 Parkview Drive
Box 188
Milton, WI 53563

William Lipke
Milton City Alderperson
260 North Janesville Street
Milton, WI 53563

Howard Robinson
Milton City Director of Public Works
P.O. Box 188
Milton, WI 53563

William Cunningham
Milton Town Chairperson
9104 North Trescher Road
Milton, WI 53563-9666

Harold Traynor
Milton Town Supervisor
11027 North State Road 26
Milton, WI 53563-9666

Gerald Fredrick
7011 East State Road 59
Milton, WI 53563

Roger Fanning, Sr.
Harmony Town Chairperson
5837 North Valley Drive
Milton, WI 53563

Jeffrey L. Haas
Jefferson County Highway Commissioner
141 West Woolcock Street
Jefferson, WI 53549

Ken Schakelman
Jefferson County Highway Department
141 West Woolcock Street
Jefferson, WI 53549

Bruce Haukom
Jefferson County Zoning & Sanitation Administrator
320 South Main Street
Jefferson, WI 53549-1799

Joe Nehmer
Jefferson County Emergency Management/Parks Director
320 South Main Street
Jefferson, WI 53549-1799

Paul Swart
Koshkonong Town Chairperson
N1165 Old 26
Fort Atkinson, WI 53538-9505

Walter Christensen
Koshkonong Town Supervisor
W7057 Pond Road
Fort Atkinson, WI 53538

Perry Kobs
N435 Old 26
Fort Atkinson, WI 53538

Judy Scheehle
Milton Historical Society
909 Parkview Drive
Milton, WI 53563

Jennifer Prestil
Milton Area Chamber of Commerce
P.O Box 222
Milton, WI 53563

James Oeth, P.E.
Earth Tech, Inc.
1210 Fourier Drive, Suite 100
Madison, WI 53717
1-800-548-1530, ext. 151

Anne Monks
Wisconsin Department of Transportation
Transportation District 1
2101 Wright Street
Madison, WI 53704

Kimberly Johnson, P.E.
Kjohnson Engineers, Inc.
7818 Big Sky Drive Suite 118
Madison, WI 53719

Kate Sullivan
Johnson, Johnson & Roy, Inc.
One North Pinckney Street
Madison, WI 53703

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