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- John
It has been decided...all school assemblies have been canceled. We will not let Satan discourage us. Pray for the 5 crusades that many, many will come to see, hear and believe. God is still in control!
This morning Dan met with the superintendents of the schools...the outlook is not good. Please fervently pray that God would get the victory. These school assemblies have the potential to reach 7000+ kids. Satan is hard at work. Would you please share this with your church and friends? We need God's power to come and do a mighty miracle!
Email from Dan after the superintendent's meeting: "The meeting this morning lasted about an hour and a half. They hadn't made a decision yet, but from all indicators at the meeting, we are going to lose all the school assemblies. John Foust has created so much trouble for them already, and is threatening to do everything in his power to "make their lives miserable for the next two months" if they don't cancel. He is even threatening legal action that will cost the schools a lot of time and money for months after the Power Team is gone. The Fort Super just kept saying, "Is the juice we'll get worth the squeeze?" Their lawyer made it clear that even if no mention of religion is made at the assemblies, and even if they make no mention of the evening events, the schools are still on shaky ground because the stated purpose of the Power Team (on their web site) is to promote Christianity and build local churches. So, unless God intervenes, I think we have lost the school assemblies. The good thing is that the success of the crusade does not depend solely on the assemblies. We will just need to double our efforts to promote the evening events, etc. " |
Posted 1/29/2007 12:37 PM - email it
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My, I thought life was busy before...but then, the power team, stewardship campaign meetings, new job responsibilities, women's board meetings,, where do I breathe?
Dan and I got a much need rest this weekend from God! He saw fit to have 15" of snow fall in the matter of a couple of days...over a Saturday night and Sunday, with blizzard, church was canceled. It was nice for a change, but very strange. Snow shoveling started at 8:30 on Sunday and finally got done at 10:30. Then came showers and brunch. I actually got a book finished, watched a movie, and did by accountability Bible Study for next week and talked to all my kids. As I contemplated this past weekend, I thought about how most people have that kinda of day on Sunday every weekend. Boy, are they missing something! I feel like I haven't been "filled-up" and "recharged" for the week and miss the friendships and fellowship of my church family. God has been so good to give a loving church and friends...can't wait to see them this week!
Because of the prompting of the Holy Spirit, Dan had lunch with the gentleman that caused the schools to cancel the Power Team school events. He was expecting a belligerent and loud man, only to discover he was a shy and quiet person. This man, John, was very polite and listened. He also wants to help our church services get on public tv. Now this is a man who doesn't believe in God, but was impressed by the love/forgiveness/grace that was extended to him by Dan. He said that Dan was the first pastor that he has come up against that hasn't called him names publicly and belittled him in the process. Pray for John...he heard the Gospel that day and said that he appreciated the "sentiment" of the prayers and message. He is a man who if came to the Lord, would set the world 'on fire' for Him.
Kids, aren't they great? I just want to state that I have the best ones in the world! All of you mothers of small children; win the battles when they are little, and you will have the best friends when they are grown up. I know we have the best friends in the world, in our kids. Stay strong and look at the future ~ your result will be people who love you because you did what was right when they were growing up. They will thank you one day ~ I guarantee it! |
This week has been something else...from schools canceling the Power Team assemblies, to front page newspaper articles, to interviews, to even a 45 minute radio debate. What Mr. Foust wanted was to "squash" the Power Team events, and in reality it has become a firestorm of publicity. Isn't it great the way God works bad for good? I am sure the debates, editorials, letters to the editor, etc. are not done. People of the community are angry that one man can do this to 5 community schools and 7500 students. The simply wonderful thing is that our church people have been so gracious and have prayed diligently for this man's salvation. God is allowing Dan and representatives from the Power Team to give the reason why we are bringing the Power Team to Fort Atkinson. The news is getting out and the people are really curious now to attend the crusades. Please pray for protection and even reinstatement of the school assemblies. I do believe Mr. Foust has "bitten off more than he can chew". You see, he didn't realize he was taking on God and not Faith Community Church. Just kinda makes you smile.  |
It has been decided...all school assemblies have been canceled. We will not let Satan discourage us. Pray for the 5 crusades that many, many will come to see, hear and believe. God is still in control!
This morning Dan met with the superintendents of the schools...the outlook is not good. Please fervently pray that God would get the victory. These school assemblies have the potential to reach 7000+ kids. Satan is hard at work. Would you please share this with your church and friends? We need God's power to come and do a mighty miracle!
Email from Dan after the superintendent's meeting: "The meeting this morning lasted about an hour and a half. They hadn't made a decision yet, but from all indicators at the meeting, we are going to lose all the school assemblies. John Foust has created so much trouble for them already, and is threatening to do everything in his power to "make their lives miserable for the next two months" if they don't cancel. He is even threatening legal action that will cost the schools a lot of time and money for months after the Power Team is gone. The Fort Super just kept saying, "Is the juice we'll get worth the squeeze?" Their lawyer made it clear that even if no mention of religion is made at the assemblies, and even if they make no mention of the evening events, the schools are still on shaky ground because the stated purpose of the Power Team (on their web site) is to promote Christianity and build local churches. So, unless God intervenes, I think we have lost the school assemblies. The good thing is that the success of the crusade does not depend solely on the assemblies. We will just need to double our efforts to promote the evening events, etc. " |
Bring it On!
Our church is bringing the Power Team to our area in March. We are praying and interceding for an unbelievable response for and from God. When we lived in Northern Minnesota (city of 1750), we had the Power Team come and saw 300 decisions for Christ. We are asking God for 1500 people to attend every night of the 5 night crusade. God has opened doors for the area schools (will reach over 7000 kids) to have them in for an assembly which emphasizes integrity, abstinence, drug and alcohol free living, morals, etc. In the last two days, there has been one man, John, who lives in the area and thinks himself to be the political police. Anyway, he has decided he will openly and vehemently oppose the Power Team in the schools. He is writing letters, attending school board mtgs, and more or less talking to everyone he can think of to persuade them this is a church vs state issue. Never mind that they don'r preach the gospel in the schools or even pass out literature. We are anxious to see what God is going to do, as this man is Satan's advocate and the fight is on. Our team in invigorated by the fact that Satan is trying so hard to defeat this effort. Please pray with us regarding the spiritual battle that is raging in Jefferson County. God is our victor and we claim His victory over this. There link is Take a look! It is phenomenal what God is and can do through these men.